Katie Likes Cricket
15 facts
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I have decided that I will do the 15 facts thing like those SG kids J because I am not feeling particularly creative today. There probably isn't going to be much for me to write about and you probably know these facts already, seeing as I tell everyone everything, but here goes J

  1. Orange juice is my favourite drink, and I think I am attracted to the colour orange. I will eat anything that is orange (except pumpkins) – what I mean, is anything that is artificially coloured orange. BUT my favourite colour is not orange. My favourite colours are orange, yellow, green and red.
  2. I really dislike the sound of snoring. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and feel like smashing things. Even if people are only pretending, I end up feeling restless and uneasy. I don't snore.
  3. I used to play the baritone saxophone in band, and I really sucked. I played from year 7-9 and I hated it. Especially Stage Band (I only got into Stage because they needed a bari sax, and I was the only person who played it – I think they were better off without me), which caused me to DREAD every Wednesday, and hoping that I'd break my arm so I wouldn't have to play
  4. I like winter more than summer. I hate summer, because summer just means sweating and breakouts, and salt water, and sand getting into bad places, and sunburn and bad tans and being hot, and not having the energy to do anything. I hate summer.
  5. I have Mycophobia. It has developed over the past year, from not liking to eat mushrooms, to actually feeling unwell, scared and incredibly grossed out when I see them growing in the ground. And there have been a LOT of mushrooms growing lately.
  6. I used to have lazy eye + long sightedness, but then I went through puberty (yes, I have gone through puberty – just because I'm flat, it doesn't mean that I haven't matured yet) and I got short sighted and it balanced everything out, so now I don't need glasses J And in year 2 I had treatment for lazy eye, and I had to wear this suction thing on my glasses, and everyone thought that I was a freak. Here's a bonus fact : I was a nigel in primary. I had one friend, and me and him discussed Harry Potter over lunch
  7. My dad is a gamer nerd and he watches Battlestar
  8. I can never keep my room clean for more than 1 month. Whenever my room is a mess, and I can't be bothered to clean it out, I just move a table downstairs, and do all my 'work' there.
  9. I'm not allowed to get my license because my dad says that I lose focus too easily, and that I'll kill someone. He's kinda right. I have the shortest attention span, and no focus at all. I zone out in all my exams (which is probably why I do so poorly) I can't even watch a movie without doing anything else. I have to either be talking to people, or browsing the internet, or eating, or reading, or drawing etc. at the same time or else I'll just get bored.
  10. I'm not ACTUALLY always tired. Even though I always say that I am. I have come to the conclusion, that it is just my allergies which irritate my eyes, causing them to become really watery, and making me feel like am tired, when I am not! So to all those people who mock me for being tired all the time, WELL I AM NOT TIRED!
  11. I complain too much, but not because I hate the world or anything, but because I like to talk and complaining is the easiest thing to do – even when I don't really mean any of it. A lot of things just happen to come out of my mouth, and I don't think about half the things that I say.
  12. I like talking to strangers
  13. I am a girl, and I have not been shopping for SIX months. Is there something wrong with this picture? (yes)
  14. I'm extremely paranoid and insecure, and I think that a lot of people dislike me and/or are bitching about me at this exact moment
  15. I say LOL JOKES far too much for my own good. I should probably stop because it's so annoying LOL JOKES It's not annoying at all, and it is the funniest thing ever, and I am never going to stop :D

Yes. That was pretty interesting :D

Hooray! 2 more days of school, and then its HOLIDAYS! HOORAY! I'm excited J

- tonia

Think about this
Saturday, June 26, 2010

To my friend out there:

Also, people never change. As much as we try to, we will always the same person. If we could change, then we would all aim to meet our ideals, most people would be more or less the same, and the whole idea of identity would just be lost with nothing defining us as a person. I guess it just comes down to learning about our good points, and being able to make full use of them. So stop trying to change, stop dwelling on bad things, and instead think about all the positives and build on them.

Woot, crap post

- tonia


Answering a question

Recently, somebody asked me the question:

"Krishna, what motivates you? I'm curious, because its different for everyone"

I guess I try to see myself in 10 years time. Then look at what I am now. The difference between the two drives me.

Set the world on fire guys.

- Krishna

Liking things
Friday, June 25, 2010

I was looking over at SG blog, and in the cbox, I saw 'Deva: Iwish i could 'like' your post Betty =)' and it made me think about how much Facebook is influencing us. It has become this massive global phenomenon. I mean, how many times have you looked at something, and thought 'Where's the like button!?' Even on other social networking sites and stuff – like twitter, I just want to like people's tweets … ONLY TO REALISE THAT I CAN'T! Facebook is so silly now. It's been taken over by advertisements and spam and other things are a breach of privacy – for all of those who do Legal Studies D: But yeah. Whenever I go on that site, it's just advertisements everywhere, and just about every second group is one of those 'click like to see the picture' groups, I mean shouldn't people KNOW BY NOW that they just lead you to some random page with 14010294 pop ups, and making you fill out some 'survey' and like, scroll down or some shit. And I even get random friend requests now from companies and stuff that want to sell me their stuff. Facebook has become this massive billboard now. Speaking of Twitter, I STILL don't understand it. I must say, it IS sort of fun though J. It's like eavesdropping in a way-- except it's actually OKAY to chime in and out of conversations. More people should join it though (it just means more conversations for me to see xD) Some social networking sites are just silly. Like Formspring! I think the site's original purpose has been completely buried in the potential of the site. Like, people just use it to hide behind their keyboards and say stupid things. BUT YOU DO KNOW THAT IP ADDRESSES CAN BE TRACKED. I'm not sure about Formspring, but even if you post in the cbox as anon, I DO KNOW WHO'S BEEN SAYING WHAT ;) JOKES – I'm not technologically adept enough to figure it out xD

- tonia

How to Survive the Cold Weather
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The temperature is dropping, and I think that it is time to talk about surviving the cold weather !

  1. Wear 100% polypropylene underwear – Or for some of you more ... liberated ones, start by just wearing underwear, regardless of material
  2. LAYER UP! – This is good because you can always remove unnecessary layers if you are warm – don't wear like a singlet and a MASSIVE parka or some snow jacket that you can't move in.
  3. Play board games – they're good for the soul
  4. Keep your feet warm – wear socks! If your feet are warm, then your whole body is more or less warm. If you are stuck on a desert island, and you are only allowed to bring ONE item of clothing, I suggest you bring socks so you can be kept warm. OR as an alternative –footies (footed pyjamas), but I wouldn't recommend them.
  5. Isolate yourself – People = sickness. The reason that people get sick in winter isn't because of the cold, it's because, because its cold, everyone stays indoors, and sicknesses are easily transmitted indoors
  6. Don't stand outside when it's cold – common sense guys!
  7. Stand next to hot people – ditto
  8. Eat – Cold day/Hot day, eating is always good! Just watch your calories though; you don't want to break your bathroom scales. Money doesn't grow on trees!
  9. Do something foolish because then you'll be embarrassed, and then all the blood will rush to your face, and you'll be warm
  10. Take a nice, warm shower- Hooray! Everyone likes showers

If all else fails, fly to the other side of the world where it is not cold.

Krishna Kotecha, please post!

- tonia

Beauty only skin deep?
Sunday, June 20, 2010

I was thinking about people being pretty the other day, and I realised that how pretty someone is, is representative of the way that they present themselves as a person – like the amount of confidence that they have and how they want themselves to be seen in your eyes. If you were to think about all the pretty people in the grade, they are probably all the confident girls (or boys) who know they are pretty and aren't afraid to show it. I think that everyone's appearances are equal, and that people aren't really prettier than other people.

How much effort they place on their appearance also makes a difference. Like, make-up, the way they wear their hair and even the way that they wear their uniform. Make-up really isn't a bad thing, and I think that as the years have progressed, more and more girls wear make-up to school. I don't know why guys are so against it sometimes – make up for girls is just the equivalent of guys waxing/gelling their hair. Having said all that though, some girls ARE naturally prettier than others, but that is like one out of a lot.

Being pretty is also comparable to intelligence. There are a select few who are naturally smart. And then there are the rest who just work really hard and appear smart. AND THEN there are those who are naturally smart AND work hard. And those who are really stupid and don't work hard (I'm not thinking of anyone specifically here)

- tonia

You Look Nice Today…
Friday, June 18, 2010

Hello everyone! I'm back! Well, for as long as I can find things to blog about.

Anyway I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone in finding it extremely awkward to receive compliments. This topic came up the other day in maths, and it was suggested that we take a compliment as a gift. I never know what to say though. If someone compliments me (hardly ever), I just find it a bit cocky to say thanks sometimes. I guess cocky isn't the right word, but I feel uncomfortable saying thanks. It feels as though I'm agreeing to the compliment.

If someone says ,'Hey Tonia, I like your hair today', I don't want to say 'Thanks', because it makes me feel as though I'm saying , 'Well, of course! My hair is obviously the best' AWKWARD

I find that most people (including me), when hit with a compliment, just deny it by saying, 'Psh, No. Are you blind/crazy/stupid/insane' Or just give them a T_T look. But since everyone does that so much now, it no longer works, and the person who gave the compliment will now just say 'Oh, you're just being modessssttt' And it's like a cycle! Because you reply, 'Nooo, I'm not modest' and then it just keeps going on and on.

Another thing that annoys me about compliments, is that for some strange reason, when someone receives a compliment, they always feel obliged to give one back to the person who gave it to them. And sometimes, quite unfortunately, you just don't have anything to say back to them

'Oh WOW, you look absolutely GORGEOUS TODAY! Your hair is so nice and your dress is so pretty!' 'Um … hahaha … uhh … I like your … belt .. ?' AWKWARD

But yes. I think as necessary as it feels we SHOULD NOT return compliments if we can't think of anything to say. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything (Y) And I think that we shouldn't be 'modest' and just say thank you and accept the compliment. It's not even being modest if you deny and reject the compliment, because when people say 'Oh, I like your shoes', and in return you say, 'Wtf. They're so ugly >_>' That's kind of dissing their taste, and making it seem as though your opinion is the most important, which is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what modest is. So yes. You're cool. Accept that compliment J

- tonia

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Don't waste your youth growing up